Delaware Statement of Information (Annual Report)
Congratulations on the continuous growth of your Company. Your state requires corporations to keep their public record updated by filing information with the Secretary of State.
Required Statement of Information
Required Filing Timelines
Domestic Stock Corporations & Limited Liability Companies must file a complete statement of information (Annual Report) at the end of each year of operation.
Breakdown of Fees:
Delaware Annual Renewal Fee:
Less than 1,000 Shares: $225
($175 Franchise Tax & $50 Annual Filing Fee)
1,000 – 10,000 Shares: $300
($250 Franchise Tax & $50 Annual Filing Fee)
10,001 – 100,000 Shares: $410
($360 Franchise Tax & $50 Annual Filing Fee)
100,000 – 1,000,000: $710
($660 Franchise Tax & $50 Annual Filing Fee)
Over 1,000,000 Shares: $1010
($960 Franchise Tax & $50 Annual Filing Fee)
Delaware Annual Renewal Fee for LLC’s: $300
Delaware Agent Fee for 2015: $149
Filing Taxes and Renewal: $Free
(For Reoccurring Clients only)
Submit Your Filing Today
Please fill out the form below to submit your filing.